Our motto is "We Serve."
Founded in 1917, Lions International is best known for fighting blindness, but we also feed the hungry, aid seniors and the disabled, and care for the environment and local community. Lions are a global service network of volunteers that make a difference. Here is what we do every year in the community of Hales Corners. Above and beyond the projects listed here, we also provide scholarships, sponsorships and donations to people and organizations. Interested in donating to our causes? Click DONATE.

We have drop-off boxes at 12 locations in the greater Whitnall area where you can donate eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell phones or empty inkjet cartridges. We pick up donations monthly.
Wisconsin Vision
Ophthalmology Associates
The Eye Group
Northwestern Mutual - Franklin
Associated Bank - Hales Corners
Walgreens - Hales Corners
Shopko Optical
Herslof Opticians
Tri-City National Bank - Hales Corners
Forest Ridge Care Center
Hales Corners Library

Every year the need for feeding the hungry is great and the Hales Corners Lions answer the call. We rally to help at-risk seniors and low-income residents by providing a helping hand. That might mean a homecooked Thanksgiving meal, a friendly visit or compassionate service. We are in constant touch with our local Police, Fire and School District staff who are at the frontlines of identifying need. Help us to offer comfort, kindness and compassion. We love to give back at Thanksgiving!

We provide a fun-filled day of activities for families with a special Easter Egg Hunt at Whitnall Middle School. All kids welcome up to age 10 gather and participate in hunting for colorful hidden eggs on the grounds of the school. Free admission and open to all kids and families! Afterwards in the school cafeteria, we provide a pancake breakfast, raffle baskets, a visit from the Easter Bunny and community fun! Donations accepted for the cost of breakfast, but never required.

Each October, we invite the community to come and carve a pre-cleaned pumpkin for FREE! We enjoy snacks, baked goods and beverages. Raffle tickets available to purchase to win amazing Fall-themed gift baskets. Come and see all the pumpkins on display, take a pumpkin home to carve or enter it in our judging for the chance to win a Pumpkin Fest Prize!
Our Lions Club volunteers purchase over 700 pumpkins, cut and clean them, ready for families to carve spooky faces or other creations.

We team up with the Salvation Army and volunteer as bell-ringers at local businesses in the Whitnall area around Christmas time. This tradition is always in need of volunteers and where there is a need, there is a Lion. The Lions Club members selflessly take time during the holiday to brave the cold and conditions to ask for donations for the Salvation Army. If you hear a bell, that may just be a Lion. Stop by and say hello!

The Hales Corners Lions Club recognized the need for its community members to have a secure and environmentally friendly way to dispose of and shred secure documents. Every April, after tax day, we have a drive-thru service available to take papers free from paper clips and staples and shred them for you.
We ask that no magazines or newspapers are brought for shredding, as this service is provided for the secure disposal and privacy of personal documents only. For more information see our events page for details.

Quarterly, the Hales Corners Lions Club purchases and preps a dinner for residents of Kathy's House at Milwaukee's Froedtert Hospital. Kathy's House was built to provide housing to families who have long term patients at the hospital. Providing them a warm, home-cooked meal is always appreciated and great way to give back.
Lions Club members often deliver a donated meal, cook and prep a meal to be served, or complete the entire service from cook-to-clean and enjoy a dinner with the residents.

While it's a fundraising event for the Lions Club initiatives, the Christmas tree lot has become something the community has relied on and make it a wonderful tradition every year to come visit and select their Christmas tree. Open every weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas in December we'll have all types, sizes and sorts of trees to choose from.
Merry Christmas!